This Cub Express RFVHC Members Portal is UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Your names have been placed in the data base. There are many membership types available.
The RFVHC Members Portal will be accessed here
We'd like to introduce you to Sara Cohen, our newest Membership Co-Chair,
along side Karin Reid Offield the RFVHC's President & Marketing Chair
This Club Express Platform is an automated method of renewing memberships and promoting NEW memberships.
When we place your name and email into the RFVHC Data Base, we build a series of letters that will be sent to you -
either as a new member or a member that joined the RFVHC many many years ago.
Our motto has been "You are a member of the RFVHC for the life of the Membership" For us that means that once a member, always a member. Now, however, with new leadership we feel its best to begin
to bring our membership up to date as PAID members. Will you help?
In the next 30 days, we are going to go "on-line", you will be seeing letters to remind you to renew,
so please don't forget the RFVHC as you review your yearly budgets, and decide what matters to you most.
Keeping horses on the landscapes of the Roaring Fork Valley matters. Please join today and our Club Express will make your renewals easy and on time! Thank you for helping the horses.